An ongoing support service for the CBDC Madawaska!

Julie Beaulieu, owner of Consultation Métaphares
The CBDC Madawaska offers entrepreneurs in the region financing and advisory support to contribute to the economic development of Madawaska. These accompaniment services are unique and specialized, and tailored to their clients.
At CBDC Madawaska, the client receives support for all phases of the project. Whether it's business start-up, an expansion project or business skills development, the CBDC team is always there to mentor entrepreneurs.
Julie Beaulieu, owner of Consultation Métaphares, took advantage of the CBDC's support services during the implementation of her business project. "What's great about the CBDC is that you never feel alone. They are always there to answer our questions and help us propel our company to another level, "says Ms. Beaulieu.
Ms. Beaulieu has acquired all the support services available at the CBDC from ongoing support in the development of her business plan to training and advisory services following the launch of her business. "The services offered to the CBDC help to avoid making mistakes in order to maximize the success of the business". Thanks to this ongoing support, Ms. Beaulieu is better equipped to manage her business, and is much more confident to be a good entrepreneur.
Because CBDC Madawaska invests in the entrepreneurial spirit and contributes to the development of its community, business support is one of its priorities. Follow the example of Julie Beaulieu and benefit from tailor-made support intended to your needs by approaching the CBDC Madawaska.
If you think business, think CBDC Madawaska!